Maui Software Software License Agreement. Please read this agreement thoroughly. You may use the Registered TimeTracker program on one computer system at one time only. If you wish to use the TimeTracker program on more than one computer system at one time, you must purchase a new and separate License from Maui Software for each additional computer system (each user must purchase their own copy). For example, you can place the registered TimeTracker program on your office computer and also your home computer. However, if you are using a registered copy of TimeTracker on your office computer, and someone else is using a registered copy on your home computer, you must purchase two copies of TimeTracker because two copies of TimeTracker are being used at the same time. If you have any questions, please contact Maui Software. You may not give the registered TimeTracker program to other people. You may not reverse engineer, disassemble, reverse translate, or in any manner decode the TimeTracker program in order to derive any source code form. COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARK NOTICES, LEGENDS AND LOGOS. The TimeTracker program and User Documentation, logos, product, names and other support materials, if any, are either patented, copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise proprietary to Maui Software. You agree never to remove any such notices and product identification. In no event will Maui Software be liable to you for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this program and user documentation. In addition, Maui Software will not be liable for any claim by you or any other party for damages arising out of the use of this program.